"In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate".
With the help of Allah we have opened this restaurant to bring all types of people together to enjoy a fusion of pakistani and american food. we want people to try our version of pakistani food with some traditional, and some dishes that are blend of different cultures. we have to learn to live with with our faith not traditions. respect should always be given regardless of someones faith, color or how they dress. we will introduce new dishes as time progresses. from italian to spanish, and maybe even some jamaican. and obviously weekend breakfast of halwa poori and channe. The steaks will be made to desire. we will not be trying to reach typical traditional tastes but a fusion to cater to all people.
and we will try to do all this with trying to present best service possible. as human beings we are always bound to make mistakes, please use kind words to tell us about our mistakes. allah has made us, and showed us how to repent for our mistakes. just in the same manner in life we should always try to fix our mistakes. and our prophet ﷺ showed us how to live our lives. and success is only in following the Etiquette’s of our prophet.
our intention is to leave you with loving and respectful Impression while trying to do our best to serve you delicious food which is halal. I personally am doing my do diligence to confirm and re-conform the places where i buy meat. everyone will be responsible for there actions in this life. i have no intention to under cut anyone in any manner. i will be fair in all actions that i take towards buying and selling. I will do my best to buy from only confirmed sources. even thou my experience is showing that there is more politics involved with the mosques and the slaughter houses then faith and good intention.
may allah forgive me and my family for any mistakes made towards anyone. may allah forgive us all. may allah protect us from fitna-e-dajjal. ameen.